Finance Options

At TWorld Training we are proud to have partnered with Payl8r, to give students finance options as an easy payment method to spread the cost of their training. The finance options package can be used for both course fees and student kits. So you can start your new career and not have a large initial outlay financially.

So how does this work?
The finance options is provided by our finance partner Payl8r. All credit is interest baring but is of a low interest rate, subject to your credit rating. All credit is spread over a maximum of 12 months and the initial deposit is paid to Payl8r when you make your application. When making an application you usually get an instant decision and then it takes around 48 hours for us to process your enrolment, once we have had notification from the finance company.

So how do I apply?
Currently we do not offer application via our website so please do not try and do this at the checkout. However applications are made via us sending you a link directly to your email address. In order for us to do this, the only information required is your full name, email address and telephone number. Once we have sent the link to you it is time sensitive and will expire within 24 hours. So we would advise all applicant to fill in the application form as soon as they have received it. If this is your preference please do email us We have help support you through the finance application process.

If you have any questions for our tutors about your training and would like our expert advise please get in touch on our Connect With Us page. 

 Tworld Training is part of Tworld Studio
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